Why no one feels pleasure continuously?
Maybe people "get tired" of happiness? Just a man accustomed to his
achievements, success and requires climbing a new peak, there is a need for
deeper experiences, different self-affirmation and spiritual enrichment, which
disappears without a sense of fullness of being. (L. A. Popov Ethics. A course
of lectures. - M., 1998. - P. 79). Besides, nothing human is capable of
continuous operation. No wonder Aristotle associated the pleasure with the
"Pleasure is not continuous, for it
accompanies activity. Some things I enjoy, while Nova, and then not, and for
the same reason, the first thought is passionate and intensely active in, for
example, when the faces, but after the activity is not so strained, on the
contrary, she is often careless, but because they fade and pleasure.
It can be assumed that all strive for
pleasure for the same reason all are drawn to life, because life is a kind of
activity, and each operates in such areas and in such ways, what he especially
Luba; for example, the musician works by hearing the tunes, curious - thought
in the objects of speculation, and among others to behave towards each.
Pleasure gives the perfection of the operations, and hence of life itself, to
which all aspire. Therefore, it is clear that and are drawn to pleasure, for
everyone it makes life complete". (Aristotle. Vol. in 4 vols. Vol. 4. -
M., 1984. - S. 275).
However, most of those people who brings
happiness to pleasure, thanks to common sense understand that happiness in
special treats: long associated with the serenity and joy of life. Therefore,
many devote their entire lives to the search for increasingly refined
pleasures, trying to prolong an illusory happiness in this way.