среда, 23 декабря 2015 г.


According to another view, happiness consists in external wealth, i.e. wealth. But does wealth bring happiness? For some, it may be a variant of a "Golden cage". And besides, it remains an open question, whether in any way the produced wealth can be the key to happiness?
Of course, the wealth should not be discarded, as in need more difficult to feel happy. But wealth does not bring happiness to those who have a soul there is nothing but greed, who have no other joy, how to outdo the other. Add to this the fact that it is not in itself wealth makes a person happy, but "wealth acquired righteously and does not burden". (Guseinov A. A., Apresyan R. G. Ethic. - M., 1998. - S. 299), which may be related to the happiness of fortuitous circumstances.
Since wealth is closely adjacent the power that many find happiness. But the worship acquired freedom. So, those in power and dependent on him, not severable and not free from each other, since otherwise (and in this understanding of happiness) defeats the purpose of such a state of happiness. Therefore, Mr cannot be "happy" without the worship of others. And prefer to ease my soul from the burden of responsibility in freedom (and consequently, and freedom of the spirit), dicloniuses before someone will lose "his" happiness, after parting with an object of worship. Besides, with the point of view of the Christian religion, and European philosophical ethics, a lack of freedom, dependence and rigidities of misery. No wonder, Jesus clearly contrasted the "happiness as the highest good" the might of power, and carelessness, voluntarily adopted subjection. (Matt., 4:1 - 11).
However, Christian philosophers and theologians coined perhaps the most interesting concept of happiness, promising it to those who meekly accept the current morality, the power (because it comes from God) and everything should worship an exemplary Christian. This happiness is the worship of power and God allowing the sacrifice of a temporary inconvenience for a future of bliss in afterlife existence. Such happiness can be earned through renunciation of worldly goods, a variety of vows, finding in "freedom of faith", dedicating his life to serving others. This interpretation of "go to a more perfect and happy" world of prayer and Ministry, gave many people the opportunity to achieve great power, since the monasteries owned a fairly large wealth. It was a peculiar path to happiness through the attainment of power over the souls of men.
Thus, we can say that the above views about happiness are not happy by themselves. On the contrary, "real happiness is possible, with the precondition that the person taught himself to be independent as possible from external benefits, and to find joy and pleasure in the approximation to the highest good". (Guseinov A. A., Apresyan R. G. Ethic. - M., 1998. - S. 302).

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